Donate blood: process and requirements
Did you know that not everyone can donate blood? It is necessary to meet certain requirements. In Spain we are one of the most supportive countries in blood donation. Every time a tragedy occurs, there are many people who volunteer to donate blood, but it is also important that the blood banks can always be supplied, so donors are always needed. Therefore, today we tell you details who can donate blood and who can not and what are the requirements to donate blood.
In these requirements Clearly influence health status, age, weight or for example if you have recently traveled to a tropical country. Before the donation, the medical team performs a clinical history and an exploration to see if the person meets the requirements to donate blood.
What is the process of donating blood?
The regular blood donation process involves the removal of 450 cc of blood in bags that have anticoagulant substances that allow the alm Storing of the blood under appropriate conditions. From each donation you can obtain a bag of plasma concentrate, another of platelets and another of red blood cells.
This process is practically painless , fast and everything is controlled by doctors . It does not harm the donor since sterile, single-use material is used. Does not weaken the organism . Before you can be a donor, you will analyze your latest analytics (or in your case they make you analytical) to ensure that you can be a donor and donating blood does not hurt you, not the possible recipients.
The possible donor will also sign a document called "informed consent" where he claims to have understood well the reasons that exclude the donation and authorizes to make the donation. If there is any doubt in the reading, the medical staff will respond to any clarifying questions.
The requirements to donate blood
These are one by one, all the requirements to donate blood in our country:

The minimum age to donate blood is 18 years. It is established that in Spain you must be of legal age to be able to donate blood. On the other hand the age limit is usually 65, but this depends on the person, if the donor is over 65 but is in good health the doctor can authorize the donation after exam the person.
You need a minimum weight of 50 kilos, because with a lower weight the blood draw could weaken the person. Platelets more than 150,000 cc and proteins more than 6 gr/dl (Only in apheresis donation).
Do not donate fasting blood It is also recommended that two days before donating, do not drink too much fat.
Who can not donate blood

- Under 18 years and people who weigh less than 50 kilograms
- People who have serious diseases , by logical donate blood would weaken them.
- People with AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B, C or any disease that is transmitted by the blood
- People suffering from diabetes insulin dependent
- If you have done a piercing or tattoo you have waited a year to be able to donate blood
- People who have engaged in risky behaviors such as taking drugs
- If they have or have had sex with patients with AIDS strong>, or Hepatitis B or C
- If you have or have had sex with people with hemophilia, dialysis or who use drugs
- People with epilepsy
- If you are pregnant you can not donate blood , you will have to wait 6 months after delivery
- If you have traveled to tropical countries, one year has to be expected.
Advice if you are a blood donor
Once we have seen what are the requirements to donate blood and who can not donate, it is good that we see some tips that will improve your experience when donating blood.

How safe is blood donation?
Make a blood donation > it's very safe, and most donors have a very good experience making a donation; so much so that once the first donation is made, most people repeat it again. There is no risk of contracting a disease as each kit (needles and collection bag) is sterile and used only once.
What should the donors eat? the day of the donation?
Drink plenty of non-alcoholic liquids (water, sports drinks, juices, etc.) since you lose fluid when you make a donation. Make sure you eat something that day and do not come on an empty stomach.
How soon before a donation should you eat?
On the other hand it is It is recommended that you eat something at least 4 hours before donating to guarantee a good donation experience.
How soon after a donation should you eat?
strong>You should eat and drink something immediately after your blood donation , and it is also advisable to spend at least 10-15 minutes in the rest area.
Is it okay to exercise the morning of my donation?
Yes , as long as you make sure to rehydrate after
Can a person donate if they have a cold or allergies?
If you have a mild cold, sneezing or coughing, it is better than postpone your donations until you feel 100% .It is better than before donating blood reports of the medication you are taking to know if it may affect your donation or not.
Does blood donation affect your athletic performance?
If you are a recreational athlete, you should be able to continue your activities the next day , but it is advisable not to do any rigorous exercise after your donation. If you are a competitive athlete , we recommend not to donate in the previous few weeks to an event or race.
Is there any other suggestion for improve the donation experience?
Bring a book or music to listen to keep you entertained.
What is recommended to do after the blood donation?
During the rest of the day, drink lots of fluids and avoid strenuous activities s. You will be able to remove the dressing that they have put on you once you have stopped bleeding.
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