Fingerprinting Healthcare Worker Procedures
IDPH Health Care Worker Fingerprint Background Check
Obtain a valid Live Scan Request Form for the Illinois Department of Public Health, from the facility you are applying for a position with.
This form must be completed by the facility.
Check our website, for the closest fingerprinting location.
No appointments are necessary at any of our sites.
Bring the completed form and a valid, government issued, picture ID, (such as a drivers license, State ID or passport).
Payment Terms *
Please check with your employer to learn if payment is due at time of fingerprinting service.
You will be given a computer-generated receipt upon completion of the fingerprinting process.
Your results will be sent directly from the Illinois State Police to the Illinois Department of Public Health.
The Illinois Department of Public Health will email the results to the facility you were fingerprinted for and also update the IDPH Health Care Worker Registry.
Health Care Worker Fingerprint Background Check Process
You must first register with IDPH before sending employees for fingerprinting.
Facilities that choose to sign Service Agreements with Accurate Biometrics are eligible for a discounted fingerprinting rate and charge privileges.
Employers must enter all new applicants into the IDPH database prior to being fingerprinted. First, the employer must print off the Disclosure and Authorization form and have the applicant sign and return. The employer can then enter the information from the Disclosure and Authorization form into the IDPH database under the Applicants tab.
Once the applicant’s demographic information has been entered and the IDPH data entry process completed, the employer will be able to print the Live Scan Request Form. This form is uniquely generated after each applicant entry and is necessary for fingerprinting. The applicant will need to bring this form as well as a valid, government issued I.D. to any one of our locations to be fingerprinted. Once the applicant has been fingerprinted, they are given the bottom portion of the Live Scan Request Form as well as an Accurate Biometrics receipt.
Results typically take approximately 48 hours to be received by IDPH. Results will NOT be returned to the applicant. The Illinois State Police will update IDPH with the fingerprint results by sending an email (to whatever email address is registered with IDPH as the PRA) as well as updating the applicant profile on
The below information is provided by IDPH to assist healthcare agencies in registering to the healthcare worker registry.
TO: Health Care Employers and CNA Training Programs
FROM: Health Care Worker Registry
Office of Health Care Regulation
Illinois Department of Public Health
Re: Health Care Worker Registry access via Web Portal Account
The Health Care Worker Background Check Act and rules require that all health care employers and CNA training programs governed by this Act to have access to the web-based Heath Care Worker Registry.
To complete this registration, two things are required in the following order:
1. Fingerprints are taken by Accurate Biometric's specialized technicians and immediately transmitted to the Illinois State Police. The fingerprint results then go from the Illinois State Police to Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). IDPH will notify the PRA of the facility for which the employee is being fingerprinted for via email as well as update the IDPH worker registry.
Each facility must have one person designated as a Portal Registration Authority (PRA) to act as a liaison with IDPH’s IT Security for the purpose of managing portal accounts and application security role assignments. If your organization has several facilities, you can have one PRA at each facility or just one PRA for all the related facilities.
The PRA must register for a portal account to access the IDPH Health Alert Network (HAN) through the online registration process, even if they do not intend to actually be one of the Registry users.
2. To become registered as a PRA: The person designated to be the PRA must register for access to the HAN by going through any internet provider.
Go to
Click on the “Sign Up Now” option on the right panel.
The Web Portal User Agreement is displayed.
Please read it carefully. You may print it for your future reference, and then scroll to the bottom of the page.
Click on “I Agree” to continue with the registration.
Upon acceptance of the terms of the agreement, the HAN Web Portal User Registration form will display.
Do not hand write the requested information into a blank printed form. This will only cause delays in processing your request as you will be asked to resubmit online. Only online submissions are accepted.
Fill in all required fields. The required fields are marked with an asterisk.
Key in the Username. Use your first initial and last name up to eight characters, i.e. John Smith= jsmith, John Anderson